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The End of the Corporations (EoC)






EoC traces the global crisis since 2007, as well as the political and social changes in the U.S. and the rest of the world. Additionally, it examines the facts and laws that give light to how the crisis came about and where it is headed. It is a true response to the trains of thought of acclaimed economists, such as P. Krugman, J. Stiglitz, and N. Roubini.


The book also demonstrates how the current crisis and the one from 1929 converge, as it meticulously makes an astute observation of some of the most important events that have defined the 20th century: Post wars, the Cold War, the 70's, and the Oils Crisis.


The author, Daniel Campos, is a passionate member of academia who has studied global economies for 30 years. He has participated in international social studies conferences, and even politics, as part of the House of Representatives of the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina in the 90's, representing the United Left Party.


We are confident this book will gain your attention. Within the short length of this work, you will find concise and well-linked information about real events that have concretely marked the global economy and have changed many parameters once believed to be immutable.


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